Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Hunt For a Job

So as all of my family knows I was laid off from Moss Brothers Auto Group. It came at a bad time seeing that Robert had recently been laid off from his job. We struggled and I was in a panic, but I am happy to say we have made it threw. Robert started work with a company that does network support for a number of companies. I went on an interview today with a CPA firm in Irvine/Newport Beach and it went pretty well. The lady doing the interview told me that alot of people had applied and not showed up for their interview and she was so glad that I had come in. I left there and she told me that she would be in contact so we can only hope that this is the start of a new career. The office was huge and the people seemed very nice. I can only hope that they do contact me and offer me a job. I am getting so tired of being with out a job, it stinks big time.


Mr.g33k said...

Don't worry littlest, you will find a Job. Who is this Robert Person you speak of. He looks hot if that is him in the picture

LeCheminant Family said...

I am happy to see your blog. Yeah who is this Robert person. Ha Ha.
He certainly is a real special person. We love you both

LeCheminant Family said...

Oh yea really cute picture of the dog and cat. Also that cute couple

lechem said...

Great photos!